ChatGPT on Tolstoy on free will

Explain the statement "the higher a man's place in the social scale, the more connections he has with others, and more power he has over them, the more conspicuous is the inevitability and predestination of every act he commits" by Leo Tolstoy

The quote by Leo Tolstoy suggests that people in higher social positions have more influence over others and are more interconnected, which ultimately means that they have less control over their own lives.

Tolstoy believed that those in positions of power are expected to act in a certain way, and their actions have a greater impact on the world around them. As such, their decisions are predetermined and inevitable, as they are bound by their position and the expectations that come with it.

This can be seen as a critique of the social hierarchy, suggesting that those at the top have less agency and freedom than those at the bottom. Tolstoy may be suggesting that those in power are trapped by their position and are unable to break free from the constraints that come with it.

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