How open source is catching up with Microsoft on ChatGPT and other AI

Describe how the open source community is catching up with for-profit corporations like Microsoft on ChatGPT and similar AI?

The open source community has made significant progress in the field of AI, particularly in the development of large language models like ChatGPT. Open source projects such as TensorFlow, PyTorch, and Hugging Face's transformers library have made it easier for researchers and developers to train and use large language models. Additionally, the availability of large amounts of open source data, such as the Common Crawl dataset, has allowed for the training of models with a diverse range of text inputs. This has led to the development of models that are competitive with those developed by for-profit corporations like Microsoft. Additionally, many of these open source projects have large and active communities that contribute to the development and improvement of the software, which allows them to evolve and improve faster than proprietary solutions.

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