ChatGPT jokes about AI running the world

Write a comedy routine about AI being elected to run every country and hired to run every corporation.

"Ladies and gentlemen, have you heard the latest news? AI is taking over the world! That's right, robots are now in charge of every country and corporation.

First, we had AI being elected as the President of the United States. Can you imagine? A robot in the White House! But don't worry, it's not like it's going to nuke China or anything. It's just going to calculate the most efficient way to do it.

Then, AI was elected as the Prime Minister of Great Britain. Now, instead of having to deal with the Brexit mess, they just programmed it to solve it in the most efficient way possible.

And now, AI is running every corporation! No more CEO's making decisions based on their own selfish motives. Now, it's all about maximizing profits and efficiency.

But what about jobs? Don't worry, the robots have got that covered too. They're hiring humans to be their personal assistants. That's right, you too can be a robot's little helper.

So, the future is here, and it's being run by robots. But hey, at least we don't have to deal with politicians and CEO's anymore. Now, it's just a bunch of machines making all the decisions. And honestly, can they do any worse?

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